Hi! I’m Hailey and I’m massively passionate about electrolysis! As someone who used to pluck my face 1 hour per day for years, I’m now enjoying the hair free life that electrolysis made possible for me. I don’t even own a razor! It’s truly an investment in yourself that is worth every penny! How I’m different with electrolysis: I’m all about RESULTS!!! If the process of electrolysis doesn’t yield permanent results within 12-18 months, then what’s the point?!? I just raised my prices by 20%, and honestly, I’m not sure if that is enough, because the demand has gone up even more. I’m sure we’ll get along great and have amazing conversations, but my goal is to GET RID OF YOU as a patient as quickly as possible. Any given area should take 12-18 months in total, only being cost and time intensive in the beginning, depending on genetics and past hair removal methods. I can guarantee you will see noticeable results after each session! Electrolysis is never going to be super fast, but my goal is to get you to where all you need is 30 minute appts. Whatever problem you come in for, we’ll deal with that and the results are permanent. However, as we age, our hormones change and they run the show. At no fault of your own, a peach fuzz hair will at some point get the instructions from your hormones to grow thicker and darker. As long as you NEVER EVER PLUCK those hairs, they will never get worse. So think of electrolysis like a dentist appointment: you might need 1-2 thirty minute appointments each year, just for maintenance. But if your growth isn’t hormonal, once we remove all the unwanted hairs you come to me for, we’re done. Unless you start a new area. Ears and eyebrows are the fastest area to complete start to finish - that usually takes under a year. Electrolysis is a commitment and requires actions on your end to prepare yourself for the appointment. People get fast results with me because I strict on my protocol with everything. If you stay consistent with the schedule and cease ALL plucking - forever - the results are amazing. I call it the high maintenance way to become low maintenance. :) Eliminate the problem all together and life is so much better. About half my clientele is trans and I love that I can provide a safe place for people to be vulnerable. I’ve had several patients ‘graduate’ from electrolysis to have a successful bottom surgery. For some strange reason, I hear it’s hard to find an electrologist who is even willing to do surgery prep, much less find one who can acheive consistent results. (It’s just hair on skin; what’s the big deal?) Apparently I’ve made myself a unicorn, because I’m VERY good at what I do. And working that area is very tedious and hard on my body, so that’s why it’s more than regular electrolysis. I hope to expand my practice in accordance with the growing demand. I’m sorry if you have to wait a long time. I can promise you it will be so worth the wait! If you want your results to go even quicker and spend less money from start to finish, there is only one thing you can do. And it will be very hard. STOP PLUCKING FOREVER! Plucking damages the follicle and if you can cease plucking for 13 weeks prior to starting electrolysis and you’ll be amazed. Shaving is the ONLY way to deal with the unwanted without making the problem worse than it already is! Often electrolysis is not the first best step. If you’re a candidate for laser, I would much prefer you clear as much hair as possible with laser first, because it makes the electrolysis process go much faster. Even the best lasers only get 80% of the hairs. So come to me for the final 20% and I will hunt those hairs down and eliminate every single little last one. No matter how thin or blonde or white it is. If you want it gone, it can be gone forever. It’s such a wonderful thing to run your hand across your face and have it be as smooth as a baby’s bum! It’s not just a wish, it can become your reality!Business Hours
- Monday
- 11 AM - 4 PM
- Tuesday
- Closed
- Wednesday
- 11 AM - 4 PM
- Thursday
- Closed
- Friday
- 11 AM - 4 PM
- Saturday
- Closed
- Sunday
- Closed
Cancellation Policy
*Cancellations must be communicated 24 hours or more before your appointment.
*Inclimate weather, family emergencies and other situations beyond your control will be honored in a case-by-case situation.
*When you cancel, please do so through the booking system, by calling or leaving me a voicemail, or simply sending a text.
*If you don’t get around to confirming your appointment before the appointment, this does NOT qualify as a cancellation.
*If you cancel with less than 24 hours or straight up no show, you will be charged 100% of the appointment fee.